Sunday, June 6, 2010

Create a List of All files with no Appz


this is a simple batch file that will create a list of everything in the directory

1. open notepad

2. type: 

dir /s *.* >dirlist.txt


3. under FILE > select SAVE AS



4. name it whatever and add  “ .bat  “ at the end   


5. copy the batch file to any directory and run



creates a file named dirlist.txt with everything in it




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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Folder lock Without using any Third party software


This is easy process to folder lock with out any software

1.copy and Paste the code given below in to notepad and 'Save' it as batch file

[ with extension ' .bat ' ]

if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
echo Are you sure u want to Lock the folder(Y/N)
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren Locker "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter password to Unlock folder
set/p "pass=>"
if NOT %pass%==type your password here goto FAIL
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" Locker
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md Locker
echo Locker created successfully
goto End

3.Then you see a batch file. Double click on this batch file to create a folder locker.


4.New folder named 'Locker' would be formed at the same location.


5.Now bring all the files you want to hide in the 'Locker' folder. Double click on the batch file to lock the folder namely 'Locker'.





If you want to unlock your files,double click the batch file again and you would be prompted for password.



Enter the password and enjoy access to the folder.



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Create your own invisible folder without using any software


* Here is the trick to create a folder which cannot be seen . To create that, you just follow the below steps

* Right click on desktop and create new folder

* After doing that windows will ask you for new name

* Then press back space to erase that name

* And just press ‘ALT0160’ from your key-board

[ remember that you must press numbers from num pad only ]

* Then it creates the folder without name

* you just right click on that folder and select properties

* Under the customize tab you can see “change icon

* Then select that and you can see big list of icons

* down further you will find blank icons

* Select that and click on Ok and Apply and again OK in previous box

And that's done!!!

[ You just drag your mouse pointer by holding left click then you will find that folder is selected ]


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Tuesday, February 2, 2010



Basically, this post is about how to trade Pokémon between two VAB emulators.

before starting, you would need these two VBAs [ visual boy advance ] emulators

here is the link  to the emulators:

1. VAB version 1.8.0

2. VBA version 1.7.2



Step 1: Create a folder. I’ll denote the folder as Pokémon.

Step 2: Create 2 folders; one will contain VBA 1.8.0, the other, 1.7.2. Name one folder Pokémon 172 and the other Pokémon 180.

Step 3: Create the following subfolders in Pokémon 180, and then copy them to Pokémon 172






Step 4: Create the following sub-subfolders in BATTERY and SAVE in both Pokémon 172 and Pokemon 180






***create all these folder

Step 5: Put your VBA Link 1.8.0 in your Pokémon 180 folder and your VBA Link 1.7.2 in your Pokémon 172 folder.

Step 6: Put all of your Pokémon ROMs into the ROMS folder in both Pokémon 180 and Pokémon 172.

Step 7: Load up your VBA Link 1.8.0. You should see a black/blank screen.

Step 8: Go to [Options > Emulator > Real Time Clock] and make sure it is Checked

Step 9: Make sure [Options > Emulator > Save Type > Automatic] is Checked.

Step 10: See to it that [Options > Emulator > Save Type > Flash 128K] is Checked.

Step 11: Open up your Directory options by going to [Options > Emulator > Directories]

Step 12: On Rom browse through your directories until you find the ROMS folder

**locate the folder named ROM [the one that u have created]

Step 13: Repeat for GB Rom to the same directory folder.

Step 14: Repeat for Battery, except find the BATTERY/1 folder ((/Pokémon 180/BATTERY/1)

Step 15: Repeat for Save Game, except find the SAVES/1 folder ((/Pokémon 180/SAVES/1)

**…./SAVES/1 (locate the ‘1’ folder)

Step 16: Repeat for Capture, except find the Capture (/1) folder ((/Pokémon 180/CAPTURE (/1))

**…./CAPTURE/1 (locate the ‘1’ folder)

Step 17: Close VBA 1.8.0.

Step 18: Look in your Pokémon 180 folder. You should see a file which is called VBA1.ini. Copy it into the same directory with and call it "VBA2.ini".

***select VAB1 and select copy. Then make 3 more copies of that file in the same folder. Ie. VAB1, VBA2, VBA3, VBA4

Step 19: Open VBA2.ini using a program such as notepad.

Step 20: Find the line which begins "batteryDir=" replace the final "/1" with "/2"

Step 21: Repeat for "saveDir" and, if you chose to do it for CAPTURE, "captureDir="

Step 22: Save and close VBA2.ini

Step 23: Repeat creating "VBA3.ini" and "VBA4.ini" and replacing the "/1" with "/3" and "/4" respectively.

Step 24: Copy VBA1.ini, VBA2.ini, VBA3.ini and VBA4.ini to the Pokemon 172 folder.

Step 25: In turn, open up VBA1.ini to VBA4.ini and find the lines begging "romdir=", "gbromdir=", "batteryDir=", "saveDir=" and "captureDir=" and replace the part of the directory line that says "Pokémon 180" with "Pokémon 172". Save and Close.



Now…..for trading use VBA 1.7.2 (1.8.0 usually doesn’t work)

Step 1: Open VBA Link 1.7.2 once.

Step 2: Open VBA Link 1.7.2 again. This means you have 2 VBAs open, (note you are opening the SAME "VBA.exe" file each time)

**Make sure the Link Timeout in [Options > Link] is set to between 1000 and 3000 (I use 2000) on both open VBAs.

** Make sure [Options > Frame Skip] is set to about 2 on both open VBAs.

** Make sure [Options > Throttle > No Throttle] is Checked on both open VBAs.

** Make sure [Options > Emulator > Speed Up Toggle] is Unchecked on both open VBAs.

** Very Important, make sure [Options > Emulator > Pause When Inactive Window] is Unchecked

Set the default joy pad for emulator 1 as joypad 1 and for the second emulator select any other joypad.

**I would suggest you to configure joypad 2 as per your convenience and select that for the second emulator


Load a rom in each of them.

You must have at least two Pokémon in order to enable trading.

Go up…to the trading centre.

Use the first emulator: go talk to the person who is in charge of the trading.

Once you say yes (i.e. you want to trade, the game will save)

When it says ‘waiting for the other player (or, something of that sort)’,> use the second emulator.>talk to that girl and after saving she will take you inside the trading chamber.

**it is very important to make sure that you didn't change your joypad settings, or any other emulator settings during the trade (because the trade WILL FAIL)

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Saturday, January 16, 2010





Reading RSS feeds is pretty easy. here is what you do:

  1. download a RSS reader software.

here are a few of them you might find handy:

[ click on the link to download the respective readers ]

i would recommend feeddemon, as i’m using this now. the interface is simple, and its good for newbie's. and the best thing is… ITS FREE

once the download is complete install the software.

now, here is how to subscribe to RSS feeds:

go the the respective site.



look out the the option RSS in that page [ if you don’t see the option there, in the home page, then most probably the site doesn’t have RSS feeds ]



now, right click on the RSS link similar to the one highlighted  in the picture below. then select, copy link location.


for some sites you will have to click on that link and then choose which news feeds you want to obtain.



when that's done, you will be able to generate a RSS feed link. now, copy the link.


go to your RSS reader



select SUBCRIBE.

the link should get auto pasted in the URL box if you are using feeddemon.


if not, then just paste it there.


now just keep selecting next > next > and so on [ i.e. if you have no manual selections to make ] to finish setting up the feed news.

you are done!



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