Wednesday, October 28, 2009



firstly you must have all the resources, i.e. the torrent that you will be uploading , and a client in order to create and seed the torrent.

1.start by creating the .torrent file using an appropriate client ( e.g. bit torrent)

2. if uploading to a private tracker, make sure the DHT is turned off; the torrent must be on seeding when the upload is being processed.

3. when the .torrent file is made, the client would prompt to save the newly created torrent file.

4. go to the site where the upload will be done ( note, that usually you must have the permission to upload from the admin. of the site)

5. in the upload section use the browse button to locate the .torrent file that was created earlier

6. you might need to fill in a few details, like: what kind of torrent is being uploaded (e.g. movies, anime, eBook, etc.)

6. when all the necessary details are filled you can select the submit/upload option at the bottom of the page.

7. once the download is made, you might be prompt to download the new .torrent file from the tracker, in order to start seeding.

8. if you are using a seed box, the you will have to re-load that newly downloaded torrent file and run the transfer. once the transfer is complete you will have to chose to start the torrent in order to start seed the torrent.

9. if using a seed box, you will see that there are two entries of the same torrent. one of them is from the first creation of the torrent, and the second one is when you run the transfer to the box after the torrent is uploaded to the tracker. in this case delete the first entry ( make sure you don’t delete the data as well, or the torrent will not find the resources to seed)


well, that will be all! if you think that i have missed something then please send an e-mail at with all the necessary details.

i will update this blog with new ways of uplaoding torrent. this is my first blog so, its not that great! but, i’m working on it. WISH ME LUCK!


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